Nerds with a mission 📊
We are humane technologists who animate data before breakfast.
We design custom data tools that empower news media, corporations, and nonprofits to see—and seize—new opportunities.
Discuss a project with us
At Datastory, we make the complex understandable.
By combining a powerful SaaS platform for seamless data management, visualization, and storytelling with tailored projects, we help organizations like yours turn data into impactful web applications. Whether you need long-term strategic support or short-term data visualization projects, we’re here to help.
Data Science and artificial Intelligence
Reproducible, scientific workflows with Python and R.
Data and digital
Strategies for making the next generation of web applications based on data and AI.
Data storytelling and data journalism
Work together with our award-winning data journalists to craft interactive tools and stories.
Infographics and presentations
Create animated presentations that can reach millions of viewers.
Used by leading organizations and companies

Meet some of the data storytellers

Which year did you start working with the web and data?
I started hacking on the web back in 1999. It was mostly pretentious Flash websites, which later turned into an interest for creative coding and data visualization. Working closely with Hans Rosling at Gapminder – with a high number of daily data viz requests – we got good at understanding what is pedagogical, and what is just fluff.
Favourite data story?
Tech stack
Datastory SaaS Platform, NextJS, React, Python, Any flavour of database, RDF, Cursor, AI.

Which year did you start working with the web and data?
In 2008 with visualisation of web based timelines and genealogical trees.
Favourite data story?
Battle of the Berrics by George MurphyFavourite data viz:Waffle charts! Because they are tasty! (and a great alternative to pie charts.. which are also tasty :D)
Tech stack
Any js or python library/framework you can code data visualisation and do data analysis with and a whole bunch of specialist data visualisation and analysis tools, including Flourish, Datawrapper, Keppler, MapBox, Tableau, Excel, OpenRefine.

Which year did you start working with the web and data?
Year 2019
Favourite data story?
Gapminder’s Dollar Street.
Favourite data viz?
Bubble charts! There’s something playful about them!
Tech stack
Figma, Flourish, Datastory platform

Which year did you start working with the web and data?
Favourite data story?
Also developed my fair share of bubble charts so have a soft spot for them!
Tech stack
Anything JavaScript related :)
Why Datastory?
What our customer say about us
The team has been a delight to work with. We're thrilled about the Policy Tracker they have developed for us and can't wait to share it publicly.
Datastory’s enthusiasm for research communication and their very knowledgeable staff contributed to making this a very successful collaboration.
Datastory has extensive experience in transforming complicated data into comprehensible information.
We look forward to discussing your ideas
Book a slot with our solution experts and we'll figure out how we can be of assistance.
- Turn data into agency-quality visualizations
- Create websites with dynamic content
- Access statistics and open data
- Use expertly crafted page templates
- Embed your content anywhere
For other inquiries, please use the contact us form.