Insights from Swedish Voters
Datastory and the University of Gothenburg share research insights on Swedish voter opinions through interactive data storytelling.

Before the partnership, the understanding of voter opinions in Sweden was fragmented, with insights often limited to individual polls. This made it challenging for researchers, journalists, and the public to grasp the broader trends and shifts in voter sentiment.
Datastory, in collaboration with the Swedish Election Research Program at Göteborgs University, developed interactive applications like “Mätningarnas mätning” and “Ett lyckligt äktenskap.” These tools integrated various opinion polls and voter attitude studies, allowing users to explore weighted results, compare data from different polling institutes, and simulate government formation scenarios based on party size and political orientation.
The project resulted in a more nuanced and dynamic understanding of voter opinions. Users, including researchers and journalists, can now access comprehensive, up-to-date visualizations of public opinion, facilitating more informed discussions and analyses. This approach also engaged a broader audience, making political data more accessible and interesting to the general public.