Case Studies

Customer stories

Discover how organizations use Datastory: transforming complex data into engaging, insightful narratives and visual stories.



From PDFs to instant insights, 39 years of research now at your fingertips!

SOM Institute and Datastory have made decades of Swedish research accessible with a new tool, helping users navigate key societal trends.



See where AI is growing in Sweden

Discover Kommunkartan to explore where AI is advancing and uncover collaboration opportunities across Sweden’s public sector.



Mapping Sweden’s Digital Influence

Explore Maktbarometern 2024 to track social media influence in Sweden and understand how digital power shapes public conversations.



Unmasking Global Tax Havens Through Data Visualizations

The Policy Tracker visualizes global tax policies and trends, supporting policymakers in tackling tax issues with data-driven insights.



Visualizing Sweden’s Energy Future

AI Sweden and Datastory teamed up to create an interactive map tackling challenges in Sweden’s energy strategy.



Driving Global Tax Justice change

The Policy Tracker by Tax Justice Network and Datastory tracks tax policies worldwide, fostering transparency and advancing fairer tax systems.



Unveiling the Impacts of Swedens CO2 tax on Emissions

The Swedish House of Finance and Datastory turn financial research into clear narratives, showing how Sweden’s CO2 tax affects emission.



Insights from Swedish Voters

Datastory and the University of Gothenburg share research insights on Swedish voter opinions through interactive data storytelling.



Reshaping the Election Coverage at

Datastory and use interactive data visualizations to reveal Sweden’s evolving political coalitions.

Public sector


Decoding complex climate data

Datastory’s animated videos turn complex climate data into engaging visuals, making key insights accessible and raising awareness.



Exposing Socio-Economic Gaps in Swedish Schools

Skolkartan, a tool by Datastory and Berättarministeriet, maps socio-economic gaps in Swedish schools, offering insights.

Public sector


Revamping SoReg´s website for Better Accessibility

Datastory transformed SOREG's obesity surgery dataset into an interactive web app, engaging stakeholders with dynamic visualizations.

Used by leading organizations and companies