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Sara Konradsson

Project Manager

Behind the Scenes: A Q&A with Sara, Project Manager of the Corporate Tax Haven Index


Oct 4, 2024

We’re thrilled to take you behind the scenes of the Corporate Tax Haven Index (CTHI), a powerful tool that reveals how countries facilitate global corporate tax avoidance. In this exclusive Q&A, we sat down with Sara Sundström Konradsson, the Project Manager, to discuss the challenges, the key features, and what’s next for this exciting initiative in collaboration with the Tax Justice Network.

What is the Corporate Tax Haven Index?

Q: Can you tell us about the Corporate Tax Haven Index and its purpose?

Sara: The Corporate Tax Haven Index is a tool that identifies and ranks the countries most responsible for enabling multinational corporations to shift their profits offshore and avoid paying fair taxes. The site’s main purpose is to highlight which tax havens are most complicit in facilitating corporate tax abuse and to provide insights into the legal changes needed to address this issue.

Challenges in Developing the Corporate Tax Haven Index

Q: What were some of the biggest challenges in developing this project?

Sara: One of the biggest challenges in developing this project was working with the Tax Justice Network's extensive, multi-layered dataset. The dataset covers 70 countries, 18 indicators, and includes over 70 unique IDs. The real difficulty lay in uncovering the insights hidden within the data and presenting those insights in a way that balanced clarity with the right level of detail.

Key Features of the Corporate Tax Haven Index

Q: What are the key features that make the CTHI stand out from other tools?

Sara: The CTHI stands out for its detailed data, allowing users to drill down into specific regulations that contribute to the challenges in today’s tax systems. Its comprehensive coverage and clear presentation through country and indicator profiles make it a unique and powerful tool for driving change in today’s tax systems.

Impact of the Corporate Tax Haven Index

Q: What impact do you hope the CTHI will have?

Sara: The index reveals that some of the most harmful tax havens are among the world’s largest economies, but it underscores the need for all countries to strengthen their laws to prevent corporate tax avoidance. I hope this website helps communicate these insights to decision-makers globally.

Proud Moments from the Project

Q: What are you most proud of with this project?

Sara: I’m most proud of how we were able to build a customized experience on top of the solid foundation of the Datastory platform. It showcases our ability to leverage years of technical engineering solutions and expertise while also integrating fresh, creative ideas.

Future Collaboration Between Datastory and the Tax Justice Network

Q: What’s next for Datastory and Tax Justice Network?

Sara: We plan to continue collaborating with the Tax Justice Network on a range of future projects. At the beginning of next year, we also have another site set to launch, which will be an exciting next step.


The Corporate Tax Haven Index (CTHI) is a game-changing tool powered by Datastory, which brings critical insights into the global tax system. We’re excited to see where the CTHI goes next and the impact it will have on shaping global tax policies.

Curious to explore the CTHI yourself? Dive into the full website here: The Corporate Tax Haven Index

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